星期四, 5月 17, 2007


grant IUSR_YOURMACHINENAME modify permissions to C:\PHP\uploadtemp (Create this directory if it doesn't exist

grant IUSR_YOURMACHINENAME modify permissions to C:\PHP\sessiondata (Create this
directory if it doesn't exist)

學長,以上這兩個指示我們不知道要怎麼操作,我們已經完成到"Start Internet Explorer, and visit the address http://localhost/info.php. If everything has been setup correctly you will get PHP welcome screen."可是還是無法出現他說的"PHP welcome screen",所以,我們猜測是因為那兩個操作沒弄的關係!可以跟我們說那兩個操作是什麼意思嗎?